Penetapan Kadar Fenol Total Ekstrak Etanol Daun Reundeu (Straurogyne elongata (Nees) Kuntze)

  • EGA MULYA PERMATA DEWI Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Islam Bandung
  • Yani Lukmayani
Keywords: Kata Kunci: Daun reundeu (Straurogyne elongata), Jerawat, Fenol total., Keywords: Reundeu leaf (Straurogyne elongata), Acne, Total phenol.


Abstrak. Permukaan kulit, termasuk kulit wajah, punggung, leher, dan dada sering terkena penyakit yang dikenal dengan jerawat. Pori-pori di permukaan kulit biasanya tersumbat saat jerawat pertama kali muncul. Daun reundeu (Straurogyne elongata) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang memiliki sifat antibakteri dan dapat digunakan sebagai obat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kandungan kadar fenol total yang terdapat dalam daun reundeu (Straurogyne elongata (Ness) Kuntze). Kadar fenol total pada ekstrak etanol daun reundeu yaitu 100,70 mg GAE/g.

Kata Kunci: Daun reundeu (Straurogyne elongata), Jerawat, Fenol total.

Abstract. The surface of the skin, including the skin of the face, back, neck, and chest is often affected by a disease known as acne. The pores on the surface of the skin are usually clogged when acne first appears. Reundeu leaves (Straurogyne elongata) is one plant that has antibacterial properties and can be used as medicine. The purpose of this study was to determine the total phenol content contained in reundeu leaves (Straurogyne elongata (Ness) Kuntze). The total phenol content in reundeu leaf ethanol extract is 100.70 mg GAE / g.

Keywords: Reundeu leaf (Straurogyne elongata), Acne, Total phenol.


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