Gambaran Riwayat Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah dan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif pada Balita Stunting Usia 24-59 Bulan di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pamanukan

  • Nabiel Makarim Shafary Prodi Pendidikan Dokter, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia
  • Siska Nia Irasanti Prodi Pendidikan Dokter, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia
  • Dony Septriana Rosady Prodi Pendidikan Dokter, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: ASI Eksklusif, BBLR, Stunting


Abstract. Stunting is a linear growth disorder in children aged 0–59 months. Pamukanukan District is ranked 1st in Subang Regency which has the highest prevalence of stunting, namely 19.7%. Children aged 24–59 months are vulnerable to experiencing nutritional problems. Main determinant factors for stunting are a history of low birth weight (LBW) and a history of exclusive breastfeeding practices. This study aims to determine the description of LBW and the history of exclusive breastfeeding in stunted toddlers aged 24–59 months at the Pamukanukan District Health Center, Subang Regency. Method in this research is observational analytics with a cross-sectional approach. Subjects in this study were 100 stunted children. The independent variables in this study were history of LBW and history of exclusive breastfeeding. Dependent variable in this research is stunting classification (short and very short). To see a picture of the history of low birth weight babies and the history of exclusive breastfeeding in stunted toddlers, data analysis used descriptive frequency analysis. The results of this study were that the majority of respondents had normal birth weight (90%) and had a history of exclusive breastfeeding (90%). The majority of respondents are stunted toddlers in the stunted category (64%). Exclusive breastfeeding and a history of LBW are not the only factors that cause stunting. The determinants of stunting are multifactorial, such as the child's health history, socioeconomic status, family food security, knowledge and attitudes of caregivers, environmental sanitation, personal hygiene, and balanced nutritional intake.

Abstrak. Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbunam liner pada anak usia 0–59 bulan. Kecamatan Pamanukan menempati peringkat ke-1 di Kabupaten Subang yang memiliki prevalensi stunting paling tinggi, yaitu sebanyak 19,7%. Anak usia 24–59 bulan merupakan usia yang rentan mengalami masalah gizi. Faktor determinan utama stunting, yaitu riwayat berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) dan riwayat praktik ASI eksklusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran BBLR dan riwayat ASI eksklusif pada balita stunting usia 24–59 bulan di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pamanukan, Kabupaten Subang. Metode pada penelitian ini, yaitu analitik observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Subjek pada penelitian ini sebanyak 100 orang anak stunting. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini, yaitu riwayat BBLR dan riwayat ASI eksklusif. Variabel terikat pada penlitian ini, yaitu klasifikasi stunting (pendek dan sangat pendek). Untuk melihat gambaran riwayat bayi berat lahir rendah dan riwayat ASI Eklusif pada balita stunting analisis data menggunakan analisa deskriptif frekuensi. Hasil pada penelitian ini, yaitu mayoritas responden memiliki berat badan lahir kategori normal (90%) serta memiliki riwayat ASI Eksklusif (90%). Mayoritas responden merupakan balita stunting dalam kategori stunted (64%). Pemberian ASI eksklusif dan riwayat BBLR bukan faktor tunggal yang menyebabkan stunting. Faktor determinan stunting bersifat multifaktorial, seperti riwayat kesehatan anak, status sosioekonomi, ketahanan pangan keluarga, pengetahuan dan sikap pengasuh, sanitasi lingkungan, higienitas personal, dan asupan gizi yang seimbang.


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