• Rivalda Alexander Gunawan Ilmu Hukum kekhususan Pidana


Abstract. This thesis is entitled "LAW ENFORCEMENT REGARDING PERPETRATORS OF CRIMINAL ACTS OF TERRORISM AND PREVENTION STRATEGIES IN INDONESIA". There is a problem formulation in this thesis, namely 1. How is the application of law enforcement against perpetrators of criminal acts of terrorism based on Law no. 5 of 2018 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism 2. How is the form of prevention / efforts to prevent criminal acts of terrorism with the objectives of the study is 1. To find out the form of criminal law enforcement against perpetrators of criminal acts of terrorism 2. To find out efforts to prevent criminal acts of terrorism that occur in Indonesia, the results of this study can be drawn a conclusion as follows: 1. Law enforcement against perpetrators of criminal acts of terrorism already has a legal umbrella, namely Law no. 5 of 2018 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism and in the process, law enforcement officials carry out various strategies in efforts to overcome and eradicate criminal acts of terrorism in Indonesia based on positive law. 2. The community is the main focus in efforts to prevent criminal acts of terrorism, because terrorism starts from the community and causes victims from the community as well, this is where terrorism law enforcement officers are required to be more active in educating the public so that they know the real dangers of terrorism, besides that Islamic teachings play a role in efforts to eradicate and overcome criminal acts of terrorism, where perpetrators of terrorism in Indonesia,  based on many data driven by factors of ideological differences, especially religion, and the majority of Indonesian people embrace the teachings of Islam., from here if Islam is studied thoroughly then Islam is a teaching whose presence is able to realize peace and love in the community, both to fellow humans and the universe.

Abstrak. Skripsi ini berjudul “PENEGAKAN HUKUM MENGENAI PELAKU TINDAK PIDANA TERORISME DAN STRATEGI PENCEGAHANNYA DI INDONESIA”. Terdapat Rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini yaitu 1. Bagaimana penerapan penegakan hukum terhadap pelaku tindak pidana terorisme berdasarkan UU no 5 tahun 2018 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana terorisme 2. Bagaimana bentuk preventif/upaya pencegahan tindak pidana terorisme di dengan Tujuan penelitian ialah 1. Untuk mengetahui bentuk penegakan hukum pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana terorisme 2. Untuk mengetahui upaya pencegahan tindak pidana terorisme yang terjadi di Indonesia, hasil dari penelitian ini dapat di Tarik suatu kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. Penegakan hukum terhadap pelaku tindak pidana terorisme sudah memiliki payung hukum, yakni UU no 5 tahun 2018 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana terorisme dan dalam prosesnya, aparat penegak hukum melakukan berbagai strategi dalam upaya penanggulangan dan pemberantasan tindak pidana terorisme di Indonesia berdasarkan hukum positif. 2. Masyarakat merupakan fokus utama dalam upaya pencegahan tindak pidana terorisme, karena terorisme berawal dari masyarakat dan menimbulkan korban dari masyarakat juga, disinilah aparat penegak hukum terorisme dituntut untuk lebih giat dalam mengedukasi masyarakat sehingga mengetahui bahaya nyata terorisme, selain itu ajaran Islam berperan dalam upaya memberantas dan menanggulangi tindak pidana terorisme, dimana pelaku terorisme di Indonesia, berdasarkan data banyak didorong oleh faktor perbedaan ideologi, khususnya agama, dan mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia memeluk ajaran Islam., dari sini jika Islam dipelajari secara menyeluruh maka Islam merupakan ajaran yang kehadirannya mampu mewujudkan kedamaian dan kasih saying di tengah masyarakat, baik kepada sesame manusia dan alam semesta.


Criminal Act of Terrorism, Positive Law, Prevention Strategy, Tindak Pidana Terorisme, Hukum positif, Strategi pencegahan