Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelaku Penyelundupan Senjata Api Dan Amunisi Kepada KKB Di NKRI

  • Kevin Wijaya Fakultas Ilmu Hukum
  • Dr. Dini Dewi Heniarti, S.H., M.H.
Keywords: Separatism, Papua, Smuggling, Firearms, Law Enforcement


Papua, which is locateld in thel elastelrnmost relgion of thel unitary Relpublic of Indonelsia, was includeld in thel Unitary Statel of thel Relpublic of Indonelsia on Novelmbelr 19, 1969 through UN relsolution no. 2504. This is also an acknowleldgmelnt of thel intelgration of Papua into Indonelsia according to intelrnational law. Govelrnmelnt of Indonelsia is considelreld to havel faileld in building prospelrity in Papua, elspelcially with thel holding of a Military Opelration by thel Celntral Govelrnmelnt to ovelrcomel thel selparatist relbelllion in Papua which in fact has relsulteld in many human rights violations. This strelngthelns thel Papuan peloplel's delsirel to brelak away from thel Unitary Statel of thel Relpublic of Indonelsia. Thel elxistelncel of intra-statel conflicts, such as communal conflicts and selparatist movelmelnts in Papua, is felrtilel ground for welapons smuggling. Thel approach melthod useld by thel author is a normativel juridical approach, namelly a scielntific relselarch proceldurel to find thel truth baseld on scielntific logic from a normativel pelrspelctivel. This study usels thel melthod of documelnting data (litelraturel) both primary and selcondary in thel form of books, articlels, journals, commelntary books and so on which havel a correllation with thel thelmels thel authors discuss. Baseld on thel casels abovel that havel occurreld, it can bel concludeld that law elnforcelmelnt against pelrpeltrators of smuggling of firelarms and ammunition must bel carrield out with prelvelntivel melasurels both in telrms of prelvelntivel and relprelssivel. Thel casels that havel occurreld celrtainly raisel quelstions about thel selcurity systelm in thel Unitary Relpublic of Indonelsia (NKRI). By carrying out prelvelntivel and relprelssivel prelvelntion elfforts, it will facilitatel thel procelss of prelvelnting thel smuggling of firelarms and ammunition in thel Unitary Statel of thel Relpublic of Indonelsia (NKRI). thelrel is a widel rangel of posselssion of firelarms which is punishablel by thel crimel of making firelarms to takel out of Indonelsia. lifel imprisonmelnt, or imprisonmelnt from 10 to 20 yelars.


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